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Transformers Cybertron Mini-Con Sky Lynx vs. Thunderblast


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★★★☆☆ (13)
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Mini-Con Sky Lynx vs. Thunderblast:

Sky Lynx prides himself on his ability to evade enemy defenses and drop his payload with pinpoint accuracy from amazing altitudes. The only one among all Transformers to ever offer him a challenge in this is Thunderblast, and for that he grants his rival respect and admiration. Given the distance involved in their battles the two have met face to face only rarely, but Sky Lynx considers Thunderblast a friend, despite their differing philosophies.


These two aggressive robots have been rivals for centuries. Over the years Thunderblast has specialized in long-range defense against high altitude attacks specifically for the purpose of defeating Sky Lynx. The two robots treat this rivalry as a game, ultimately caring little for victory, as long as they can offer each other a challenge. Thunderblast shares a rough sort of respect with Sky Lynx, and wishes that circumstances were different so that they might be friends in peace as well as war.

Other toy appearances (Sky Lynx):

Other toy appearances (Thunderblast):

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