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Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site


Transformers Cybertron Brimstone


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★★★★☆ (15)
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Home Planet: Jungle

Galaxy Force name: 
テラシェーバー (Terra Shaver)

First cartoon appearance: Cybertron episode #11: Deep


Official character text from packaging... 

Brimstone likes the simple things - food, flying, trashing Autobots. He leaves stuff like thinking, planning and noticing what's going on in the world around him to his pal Undermine, which is just as well because that tiny, little head of his contains a badly undersized CPU. Still, being dumb doesn't make Brimstone any less dangerous. In flight, he is totally silent, and his diamond-edged vanadium wing blades can pierce even the toughest armor.

Cyber Planet Key Code: d0h3
Brimstone and Undermine are, when not being pushed around by Scourge and bullying all the other inhabitants of Jungle Planet, insane Praxus Fold Em’ data card players! At night in the Jungle Temple, the two of them can be found playing this addictive chip and card game for Energon goodies and swapping chores. At one time, Brimstone had Undermine cleaning all the waste depositories with his tail until he lost it all on a bad hand!

SPEED: 9.5


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Other toy appearances:

• Universe Mini-Con Class 12-pack (KMart exclusive - Backstop, Blight, Bodyblock, Boltflash, Brimstone, Cloudraker, Flatfoot, Heavytread, Knockdown, Makeshift, Skyhammer, Suppressor) (2008)

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