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Transformers Cybertron Mini-Con Scrap Iron vs. Grindor


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Mini-Con Scrap Iron vs. Grindor:

Like High Wire, Grindor has fond memories of the peace they found on Earth after the end of the Energon Battles. He had fully supported the formation of an independent Mini-Con state on the moons of Cybertron, and was a local booster of the Mini-Con Council of Sages. He believes that all Mini-Cons can and should live in peace, and he still harbors hopes that the conflict with the rebels can be resolved without too much fighting.


Scrap Iron got his name because of his talent of locking onto and destroying moving targets from space. You'd know you were in his target zone when you stumbled across the unidentifiable remains of whatever was there before. He's not too into the idea of running a defensive operation in deep space, which was why he was so glad to hear that the Street Action Team was on its way. He's never met them, but it's nice to have the opportunity to destroy a celebrity.

Other toy appearances (Scrap Iron):

Other toy appearances (Grindor):

• Movie ROTF FAB Missile Assault Grindor (2009)
• Movie ROTF Grindor (2009)
• Movie ROTF Legends Grindor (2009)
• Hunt for the Decepticons Bombing Run Battle: Bumblebee vs. Grindor (Walmart Excl 2-pack) (2010)

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