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Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site


Transformers Generation 1 Iguanus (Pretender)

Function: Terror Trooper
Motto: Sow the seeds of fear, and victory is yours.
Weapon: High Pressure Air blaster

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Profile, Abilities and Weaknesses description is from The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, comic series published by Dreamwave Comics in 2003.

BIO: Iguanus is mesmerized by his outer shell. When he's locked within the shell, he stares at himself in reflective surfaces, and when he's in robot mode he can often be found gazing dreamily at it. He's not vain; he's just fascinated by reptiles and his shell's resemblance to them. Iguanus thinks the loathsome and repulsive nature of his reptilian shell is ideal for spreading terror among his enemies. He has even developed a strange personal bond with reptiles of all types, trying to emulate their demeanor and attack tactics. If there were a way for him to bond more fully with his reptilian nature, he would eagerly jump at the chance.

WEAPONS & ABILITIES: Subject is a Pretender whose powerful outer shell can easily crush whole cars in its claws. the shell's optics contain hypnobeams that can override some targets' willpower and temporarily program them with new directives of Subject's choosing. He is armed with an air blaster that shoots pressurized air with as much force as a hurricane; this weapon is useable in all modes. In vehicle mode, motorcycle wheels have retractable spinning blades that can slice through armor. Subject uses them as a hand-to-hand weapon when inside his shell. His internal mechanisms can generate an equilibrium distoring effect that strikes targets with intense vertigo. Subject is extremely strong, resistant to damage, and skilled as a warrior.

WEAKNESSES: Subject exhibits no known physical weaknesses, but he is overly protective of his shell and can become enraged if it is damaged.

Special Note: Transformers (Marvel) #54: Call this, "Spotlight: Iguanus" as he is the featured Decepticon, referred to as "King Con!"

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