Transformers (Movie) Screen Battles Capture of Bumblebee w/ Seymour Simmons & Sector Seven agents)
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Screen Battles Capture of Bumblebee w/ Seymour Simmons & Sector Seven agents):
After tracking him for months, Sector 7 agents finally catch up to the alien agent that has infiltrated America. The humans compromised by this alien can protest all they want that it means no harm, but Sector 7 has been planning for this moment for a hundred years. They know exactly how to deal with alien invaders. This one, even disabled as it is, will set human science ahead a decade or more, and when the scientists are done, it'll be put on ice just like the other one. After all, Sam might call this one Bumblebee, but to Sector 7, it's just another alien.
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Transformers (2007)
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