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Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site


Transformers Generation 1 Micromaster Missile Launcher (combiner transport - Retro & Surge)

Function: Long Range Defense
Motto: Perseverance leads to triumph.

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Micromaster Missile Launcher (combiner transport - Retro & Surge):

An awesome array of military might. In transport mode, able to easily scale steeply graded hills and rocky brush-filled terrain. Converts into stationary battle platform for quick strike, counterattack maneuvers. Platform equipped with dual gun emplacements, heavily protected Micromaster Combiner vehicle and hydraulic boarding ramps. Also changes into two cybernetically superior micro robots in combiner mode. Specially programmed for Decepticon surveillance and Autobot infantry support. RETRO and SURGE are two tough tenacious fighters, who command this hard hitting battle unit.

Strange but true, "Retro" is the back half of the red construction vehicle, Surge is the front half.

Strength: 8
Intelligence: 7
Speed: 6
Endurance: 9
Rank: 8
Courage: 10
Firepower: 5
Skill: 7

Other toy appearances (Surge):

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