Unicron.com: Transformers Collector Site

Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site


Transformers Generation 1 Micromaster Monster Trucks Patrol (Big Hauler, Heavy Tread, Hydraulic, Slow Poke)

Function: Ground Transport
Motto: We're a giant, mobile wall of Autobot might!

Micromaster Monster Truck Patrol (Heavy Tread, Slow Poke, Big Hauler, Hydraulic) in other sections:

Package art:

Toy Gallery:

More resources:

TFDB community photos:

Micromaster Monster Trucks Patrol (Big Hauler, Heavy Tread, Hydraulic, Slow Poke):

Nothing stops them when they roll out! Hard driving road warriors travel fast and heavy! Incorporated with sophisticated auto-driver control systems and modulated weapons stations. Quad-overhead cam, energeon-ignited engine allows for travel at twice the speed of sound! Able to barrel through almost any obstacle. Unstoppable when roaring in full-throttle. Can utilize their massive strength for transporting wounded Autobots from battle zone. Use their micro-size and powerful engines to literally drag uncooperative Decepticons into the heat of the battle!

HEAVY TREAD (orange car)
"I ram Decepticons into the breakdown lane just for the fun of it!"

BIG HAULER (Green truck)
"The battle isn't over until the last Decepticon has fallen."

SLOW POKE (Yellow tow truck)
"Too rough to quit too, tough to lose."

HYDRAULIC (blue monster truck)
"Hit them hard and they'll fall like rocks!"

Teamwork: 10
Cooperation: 7
Strength: 7
Endurance: 8
Speed: 8
Intelligence: 9
Courage: 6
Skill: 7

Other toy appearances (Heavy Tread):

* Heavy Tread also known as: Heavytread

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